Stanley-Boyd Area Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2013; 6:30 p.m.
High School Library
6:15 Public Comment (Mike Henke and Jackie Holub present)
Call to Order (6:30)
Roll Call of Board
Declaration of Quorum
Adopt Agenda
1.0 Closed Session (Community Meeting Room)
1.1 Employment Status of Bus Driver and Administrator in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(c)
2.0 Return to Open Session (7:00)
3.0 Pledge of Allegiance
4.0 Take any Action Resulting from Closed Session
5.0 Administrator & Board Communications
5.1 Pep Club Recommendation | Document
5.2 Retirees in Action
6.0 Approval of Consent Agenda
6.1 Minutes of Previous Meetings | Document
6.2 Expenditures $1,006,556.68
6.3 Personnel Changes
New Hires: | Name | Position |
Resignations: | Name | Position |
Kirsten Wiesnewski | High School Science | |
Amanda Foster | High School English | |
6.4 2nd Reading: Facilities Use Policy
7.0 Financial Oversight and Stewardship of Resources
7.1 Budget Updates
7.2 Caswell Field Fill Proposal with Track Preparation Option | Track_Plan.pdf - Track_Option_1.pdf
7.3 Boyd Catholic School Transportation
8.0 Effective Curriculum and Instruction
8.1 SBSD Self-Assessment Survey and Recommendations | Stanley-Boyd_Self-Assessment_Study.pdf
8.2 Educator Effectiveness Program and Training
9.0 Agenda Planning and Board Business
10.0 Adjourn (Tour of "300 Hallway" immediately after completion of board agenda)
Jeff Boie, Clerk; Board of Education
All times indicated are estimates only and will often be altered due to length of discussion