Stanley-Boyd Area Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, April 23, 2012 6:30pm
High School Library
1.0 Preliminary Actions (7:00)
1.1 Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
1.2 Roll Call of the Board
1.3 Adoption of Agenda
1.4 Oath of Office
2.0 Board Elections (7:05)
2.1 Elect Board President
2.2 Elect Board Secretary
2.3 Elect Board Vice President
2.4 Elect Board Clerk
2.5 Elect Board Treasurer
3.0 Administrator & Board Communications (7:15)
3.1 Erickson Hardware "Painting a Brighter Future" Grant
3.2 High School Gym Floor
3.3 CESA 10 Board Convention Representative
3.4 Spotlight School Visits and 2012-13 Grant
3.5 Appreciation Social - May 9
3.6 August 27 Board PLC Presentation | Document
4.0 Approval of Consent Agenda (7:25)
4.1 Minutes of Previous Meetings | Document
4.2 Expenditures | $213,697.38
4.3 Personnel Changes
New Hires: | Name | Position |
Mindy Mahr | 2nd Grade Teacher | |
Sonya Arendt | High School Science Teacher | |
Resignations: | Name | Position |
Winter Coaching Contracts | ||
MS Boy's Basketball | Randy Gustafson | |
MS Boy's Backetball | Joe Beltoys | |
MS Girl's Basketball | Open | |
Assistant Girl's Basketball | Terri Allen | |
Head Wrestling | Greg Burzynski | |
9th Girl's Basketball | Open | |
Head Boy's Basketball | Tom Hause | |
SB Athletic Association | Lori Hebert | |
Oriolettes | Lori Hebert | |
Assistant Boy's Basketball | Jason Isenberger | |
MS Girl's Basketball | Erika Koenig | |
MS Wrestling | Lee LaFlamme | |
Science Olympiad | Travis Logslett | |
Head Girl's Basketball | Open | |
9th Boy's Basketball | Travis Schindler | |
Assistant Wrestling | Tom Wozniak | |
Forensics | Kim Yeager | |
Basketball Cheerleading | Open | |
Wrestling Cheerleading | Open |
4.4. "Formulation and Revision of Policy" 2nd Reading | Document
4.5 Retirement Benefits (Teacher's Handbook Change) 2nd Reading | Document
5.0 FInancial Oversight and Stewardship of Resources (7:30)
5.1 Actuarial Study and Amortization Schedule | Document
5.2 Lunch and Fee Schedule Changes | Document
6.0 Effective Curriculum and Instruction (7:40)
6.1 STAR Assessment Purchase | Document
7.0 Agenda Planning and Board Business (7:45)
7.1 SL2: Treatment of Stakeholders
7.2 SL13: Learning Environment
8.0 Public Comment (7:50)
1. Reading of Communications
2. Comments from the audience are limited to 5 minutes by each person.
3. Those wishing to speak must register prior to the meeting to do so.
4. The board cannot, by law, take action at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
9.0 Closed Session
9.1 Empoyee evaluations / Premium Pay in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (l)(c)
9.2 Teacher Non-Renewal Consideration in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (l)(c)
9.3 Elementary Principal Salary in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (l)(c)
10.0 Return to Open Session
11.0 Take any Action Resulting from Closed Session
12.0 Adjourn
Jeff Boie, Clerk; Board of Education
All times indicated are estimates only and will often be alterd due to length of discussion.