Stanley-Boyd Area Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Community Meeting Room
Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance (6:30)
Roll Call of Board
Declaration of Quorum
Adopt Agenda
1.0 Closed Session (6:30)
1.1 Alternative Program Aide Position in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(c)
1.2 Extra-Curricular Pay Schedule in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(c)
1.3 High School Schedule Concerns in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(c)
1.4 Employee Handbook Concerns in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (1)(c)
2.0 Return to Open Session (7:00)
3.0 Take any Action Resulting from Closed Session
4.0 Administrator & Board Communications (7:00)
4.1 Total Base Wages and Other Forms of Compensation
5.0 Approval of Consent Agenda (7:10)
5.1 Minutes of Previous Meetings | Document
5.2 Expenditures | $148,497.19
5.3 Personnel Changes
New Hires: | Name | Position |
Jerry Allen | High School Girl's Golf | |
Tabitha Behling | High School Forensics | |
Nate Steinmetz | C Team Girls Basketball* | |
Wendy Hazuga | Special Education Secretary | |
Jill Spiering | Cleaner | |
Christine Nelson | Cleaner | |
Ben Isenberger | Cleaner | |
Resignations: | Name | Position |
* Only if enough players to field a team
5.4 Fund Balance Policy - 2nd Reading | Document
5.5 Handbook Change - 2nd Reading - Sick Leave | Document
5.6 Handbook Change - 2nd Reading - Hours of Work | Document
5.7 Handbook Change - 1st Reading - Total Base Wages | Document
6.0 Financial Oversight and Stewardship of Resources (7:10)
6.1 SL7: Financial Administration
6.2 2012-13 Preliminary Budget
6.2.1 Project Study Committee
6.3 Health Care Cost Study | Document
6.4 Cobra Administration | Document
6.5 Federal Phone System Grant | Document
7.0 Effective Curriculum and Instruction (7:40)
7.1 Mentoring Handbook 2012-13 | Document
7.2 New Teacher Orientation | Orientation Schedule - New_Teacher_Schedule.pdf
7.3 Fall Professional Development Plan Development_Plan_1.pdf - Development_Plan_2.pdf
7.4 Professional Development Plan 2012-13 | Document
7.5 "300 Hallway" Remodel Proposal | Document
8.0 Agenda Planning and Board Business (8:00)
8.1 Tim Brown Presentation | Document
8.2 SL8: Asset Protection
8.3 September 10 Lions Meeting and Tour
9.0 Public Comment (8:00)
1. Reading of Communications
2. Comments from the audience are limited to 5 minutes by each person.
3. Those wishing to speak must register prior to the meeting to do so.
4. The board cannot, by law, take action at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
10.0 Adjourn
Jeff Boie, Clerk; Board of Education
All times indicated are estimates and will often be altered due to length of discussion.