Stanley-Boyd Area Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2013
High School Library
Public Comment (6:45 pm with Amy Murphy and Jeff Boie present)
Call to Order (7:00 pm)
Roll Call of Board
Declaration of Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance
Adopt Agenda
1.0 Agenda Planning and Board Business
1.1 Annual Agenda and Monitoring Calendar | Document
1.2 Board Listening Schedule - Board Response | Document
1.3 Board / Superintendent Relationship Policy Review | Document
2.0 Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1 Minutes of Previous Meetings | Document
2.2 Expenditures | $449,490.22 / $1,047,451.89
2.3 Personnel Changes
New Hires: | Name | Position |
Krystle Kaifesh | School Psychologist | |
Jordan Donnerbauer | Assistant Girls Track | |
Kim Goettl | Head Softball | |
Bob Seidl | Head Boys Track | |
Kimm Severson | Middle School Track | |
Kari Thorpe | Head Girls Track | |
Joan Verbeten | Middle School Track | |
Beth Benavides | "C" Team Volleyball | |
Megan Scapin | Middle School English | |
Resignations: | Name | Position |
Bobbie Dunn | Middle School English |
2.4 Salary and Wage Schedule Handbook | Document
2.5 SL3: Staff Hiring and Treatment | Document
2.6 SL4: Employee Compensation | Document
2.7 Employee Evaluation | Document
3.0 Effective Curriculum and Instruction
3.1 PLC Institue Attendance
3.2 Review 9.2 Standards Based Academic Program | Document
3.3 2013-14 Professional Development Plan | Document
4.0 Administrator & Board Communications
4.1 Jefferson Street Fill Project Update
4.2 Teacher Compensation Planning Proposal | Document
4.3 Employee Handbook 2013-14 Approval
5.0 Financial Oversight and Stewardship of Resources
5.1 June 30, 2013 Fund Balances | Document
5.2 2013-14 Budget Update | 2013-14_Estimated_Budget.xls - Revenue_Limit_July_1_Estimate.xls
5.3 Solar Energy Project | ground_mount_solar_RFP - roof_mount_solar_RFP - H and H Proposal
5.4 Fee Schedule for 2013-14 | Document
5.5 Summer Maintenance / Project Review
6.0 Adjourn (Tour of "300 Hallway" and 6th Grade Classrooms immediately after completion of board agenda)
Jeff Boie, Clerk; Board of Education